97 unique images made from the same photographic negative. A photo book about the oldest living organism known to man and a book about the instability of the photographic image and the enigmatic intertwinement of time, reality and perception.
78,00 € Weight 0.5 kg
Mortality and the slow dissolution of late age are the main theme in the photo book 'Mother' as well as another aspect: If we fluctuate between life and death, the roles of child and parent become observers, the created becomes the creator.
0,00 € Weight 0.9 kg
Adolescence is the subject of the photographic volume 'Bärenmädchen' (Bear Girls) by German photographer Ute BEHREND. She tells the story of a fictional 'Indian tribe' that separates its adolescent girls and draws parallels to our society.
45,00 € * Weight 1 kg
Rinko KAWAUCHI's volume in the 'Des Oiseux' series focuses - like the text by ornithologist Guilhem Lesaffre - on the way of life of swallows, their history, their south-north migration, the season of birth, and their special relationship with humans.
44,00 € Weight 0.7 kg
The birds of French photographer Bernard PLOSSU in this volume of 'Des Oiseaux' series sometimes seem very familiar. And when they play with their wings spread out with the winds whistling in the air, they awaken in us the wish that we humans could fly.
from 42,00 € Weight 0.6225 kg
In her photo volume 'Summer Heart', Cologne based photographer Thekla EHLING accompanies the growing up of her own children. She documents situations and moods and the viewer finds himself entangled in associations and memories of his own childhood.
48,00 € * Weight 0.7 kg
In 'Scatching My Name on Your Arm', the American photographer Deanna TEMPLETON documents the prevailing trend in California in the early 2000s that famous surfers' immortalize 'themselves on their fans' bare skin or underwear and bathing clothes.
148,00 €
This 11th 'Des Oiseaux' photo book contains a new series Paolo PELLEGRIN. During a stay in Japan, he was impressed by the majesty of a colony of eagles. His photos from invite into a mysterious and ghostly world where only the animal presence reigns.
from 42,00 € Weight 0.6 kg
Jacques Henri LARTIGUE is best known for his b/w photographs. The out-of-print photo volume 'Das Leben ist bunt' (Life is Colorful), with its profound evaluations of his diaries and albums why it was long overdue to discover his color photographs as well.
39,80 € * Weight 0.9 kg