Background information

The festival 'Les Rencontres D'Arles' takes place annually in the south of France. Besides the extensive exhibition program, it is also a marketplace for photobooks: bookstalls, rented rooms in homes, former stores become bookstores & galleries. 2021 is a bit different because of COVID-19: the annual marketplace COSMOS is cancelled. Nevertheless, Cafe Lehmitz Photobooks is on site to show that artists and publishers produce great photo books that deserve attention even in these times.


In this category, 'Arles 2021' I list photo volumes related to this year's Les Rencontres: Books that were shortlisted as well as the winners of the Arles Photobook Awards 2021 in the categories 'Author Book Award', 'Historical Book Award' & 'Photo-Text Book Award'. Also listed here are freshly published photobooks that I am showing for the first time on my table at the Foundation Manuel-Rivera Ortiz.

Held back for 30 years, ambitious photo book 'Whatever You Say, Say Nothing' by Magnum photographer Gilles PERESS takes the language of documentary photography to the extreme and then asks the reader to pause and solve the riddle of meaning for themselves
from 398,00 € Weight 17 kg
'Roxane' represents the visual journal of the photographer Viviane SASSEN. The book shows a series of intimate portraits of her muse named Roxane, whose body and expressions follow the artist's instructions in various poses and moods.
248,00 € Weight 0.8 kg
In 'Ciprian Honey Cathedral' Raymond MEEKS carefully examines the legibility of our material surroundings and the people who are closest to us. He is known for using photography to poetically distill the boundaries of sight, awareness, and understanding.
248,00 € * Weight 1 kg
In 'Cut Outs' Jessica BACKHAUS consequently continues her path of abstraction already taken in photo volume 'A Trilogy' - using analog methods she creates and documents visual experimental arrangements, poetic choreographies of intense, sunlighted colors.
198,00 € Weight 0.9 kg
The out-of-print catalog for huge Michael SCHMIDT retrospective, took place in Berlin, includes well-known and rarely seen works as well as the very informative texts by renowned authors can already be considered a reference work about Berlin photographer
178,00 €
'Chroma' contains a photo series that originated in the early 1980s when John DIVOLA was looking for more stable material, such as the artificial, industrial cibachrome - very flawed for conventional images, but with properties that produced these images.
150,00 € Weight 0.8 kg
In 1963, Ed RUSCHA photographed filling stations from Oklahoma to LA. He published them in 'Twentysix Gasoline Stations'. He took 60 photographs which he edited to 26. 7 unpublished images from New Mexico are reproduced here, from the original negatives.
98,00 € * Weight 0.7 kg
Strictly limited to 130 cps., 'Panopticon' by Riccardo DOGANA is a reflection of media content. Using selected topics from the last decade - emigration, climate change, wars, organized crime, terrorism - the truthfulness of the WorldWideWeb is questioned.
85,00 € Weight 0.9 kg
The photo volume '1078 Blue Skies / 4432 Days' by Anton KUSTERS contains limited edition Polaroid photos of the abstract blue skies above European concentration camps of the German Nazi regime. It is the result of a long-term project lasting six years.
80,00 € * Weight 2 kg
The catalog 'Accra/London. A Retrospective' is dedicated to the body of work produced to date by Ghanaian photographer James BARNOR, tracing his photographic practice over six decades: both the work in his homeland and his work, from London in the 1960s.
78,00 € * Weight 0.9 kg
In 'Everybody's Atatürk', Mine DAL explores as well the ubiquity of this historical figure as she documents everyday life in Anatolia. At the same time, this carefully crafted volume also reflects the people's insistence on their openness to the world.
68,00 € *
Author Book Award 2021. The book 'Freedom Is Not Free' by Mashid MOHADJERIN, accompanies an exhibition that explores the private and public worlds of Iranian women who grew up after the 1979 revolution, and significant places from the artist's childhood.
65,00 € Weight 0.7 kg
Elina BROTHRUS found points of departure for the book 'Seabound' in the collection of Sørlandets Kunstmuseum. Some works are based on 19th century Romantic paintings, others on performative scores, for example by Yoko Ono, Valle Export or John Baldessari.
58,00 € *
'Suicidal Birds' by Sebastain ROGOWSKI shows his 1st trip through Kazakhstan with no specific destination and no fixed accommodation. The photographers Alex WEBB & Alec SOTH will have been the inspiration for the great photos in the best sense of the word
58,00 € * Weight 1.1 kg
In the photo volume 'India', Belgian Magnum photographer Harry GRUYAERT lets us share his diverse experiences that he has made over the years with the mysteries of this country. He paints a picture rich in contrasts that is the opposite of exoticism.
54,00 € Weight 1.6 kg
The volume 'Sasuke' includes emblematic photo series about the two cats of Masahisa FUKASE, Sasuke & Momoe. It combines unpublished images as well as photo icons, because his cats have already been the subject of several books. This is to be the last one.
50,00 € Weight 0.9 kg
This photo volume 'Standing by the Wall - Berlin 1990' by Josef Wolfgang MAYER is designed in triptychs and consists exclusively of fold-out pages that expand the individual picture into a panorama. This suddenly makes the past time present again.
from 45,00 €
'Galerna' is part of a long-term project in which Basque photographer Jon CAZENAVE questions his identity & territorial belonging. He makes a personal cut and frees himself from his insatiable thirst for black after a decade of uncompromising photography.
44,00 € Weight 1.2 kg
Rinko KAWAUCHI's volume in the 'Des Oiseux' series focuses - like the text by ornithologist Guilhem Lesaffre - on the way of life of swallows, their history, their south-north migration, the season of birth, and their special relationship with humans.
44,00 € Weight 0.7 kg
On the shortlist for Arles Author Book Award 2021. With the photo volume 'Family Stranger', Dutch photographer Wiosna van BON shows the different ways families whose relative had to go to prison for a committed crime deal with the situation.
40,00 € *
'The Shabbiness of Beauty' by Moyra DAVEY is a visual dialogue that transcends the boundaries between generations. DAVEY rummaged through the archives of Peter HUJAR and created her own images that elaborate an idiosyncratic selection of common themes.
40,00 € *
On the Shortlist 2021. Katherine LONGLY met Blieke, Nicole and their dog 'Plume' one December evening. From then on, they invited the photographer to parties and told her about their fascinating lives. 'Hernie & Plume' is also about aging and true love.
from 38,00 € Weight 0.4 kg
'Rumors of War' by Christoph BANGERT is a personal diary of a former war photographer. He describes his inner conflict between the egoism driven feeling of doing something meaningful and the concern of his family & friends going through hell emotionally.
35,00 € Weight 0.6 kg
'A Parallel Road' by Amani WILLETT, explores in a nuanced & multi-layered way the themes of history, racism, violence as well as black identity in the USA. It reflects on the past & present within a major American theme and encourages an integral dialogue
from 34,00 € Weight 0.2 kg
'Transgalactic. Photography. Gender. Transition' highlights works by trans and/or queer artists and their authentic testimonies that break gender stereotypes. Texts and images explore the diversity of perspectives on photography, gender and transition.
from 32,00 € Weight 0.8 kg
German-Dutch photographer Germaine KRULL is one of the discoverers of modernity. For a long time, her works were hardly accessible because they were scattered in individual archives. The out-of-print catalog with over 150 vintage prints closes this gap.
from 28,00 € Weight 1.4 kg
In January 2020, Alec SOTH received a letter from a prison inmate asking the photographer for a dialogue. 'The Parameters of our Cage' contains the following correspondence in times of COVID-19 pandemic, 'Black Lives Matter' movement and civil unrest.
0,00 € *
This self published photo book, 'Human' by Gábor KUDÁSZ, shows brick-making workers, photographed between 2014-2016 in Eastern Europe. But the workers, depicted as in a socialist picture book, behave in an unusual way. They begin to alienate their product
0,00 € Weight 0.7 kg
The volume 'Looking Through: Le Corbusier Windows' by Japanese photographer Takashi HOMMA illustrates the role of windows as spaces rather than surfaces that connect the interior of a building and the surrounding landscape, or the private and the public.
0,00 € * Weight 0.9 kg