'Albums' by Jamel SHABAZZ presents for the first time his work from the 70s to 90s as it exists in his archive: small prints, thematically grouped & classified as traditional family photo albums. Some essays classify his work in the history of photography
48,00 € * Weight 1.2 kg
Linen bound HC (no dust jacket, as issued), 21,5 x 14,5 x 1 cm., 168 pp., b/w ills., Ltd. to 5 of 500 copies, bilingual text: English / Japanese
48,00 € *
The photo book 'Nausea' by Ron JUDE follows the assumption that philosophical inquiry can be filtered through photographs. The monotonous spaces & objects captured visually serve as a task for exploring the connection between narratives and consciousness.
25,00 € * Weight 0.7 kg
This catalog, published on the occasion of an auction of International Style photographs, contains many exterior and interior photos as well as furniture, an introductory text and a detailed appendix, in which all photographers and architects are named.
32,00 € * Weight 0.5 kg
In the photo volume 'Avenue Patrice Lumumba' the South African photographer Guy TILLIM deals with the urban architecture of colonial and post-colonial society in Africa. His focus is on their changes due to multiple shifts in power over the past 50 years.
68,00 € Weight 1.2 kg
In 'Mail Order', the female universe of Marianna ROTHEN is supplemented for the first time with men, but as mannequins that are outfitted by the protagonist. By reversing the power dynamics, the depth of role expectations between woman and man is revealed
44,00 € Weight 0.7 kg
The b/w photographs in 'Fotografien 1934-1960' are more closely related to caricature than to reportage. Lisette MODEL has created icons of photography that have influenced generations of this profession, like Larry FINK, Diane ARBUS as well as Nan GOLDIN
29,80 € * Weight 0.9 kg
Limited edition volume 'Cargó' by Igor POSNER represents an exploration of the psyche of migration. Stored as in a suitcase, the images inside represent fragments of life as well as layers of memory: a repository for an intimate, yet collective existence.
69,80 € Weight 0.6 kg
In 'Don't Fade to Grey', Olaf UNVERZART creates images that raise subtle, melancholic questions. His coarse-grained b/w images, taken with analog cameras, associate both transience & openness. It was designed by the award-winning designer Andreas TÖPFER.
from 14,80 €
'Assignment No. 2 'reproduces an essay written by prison inmate Michael Nelson using theatre photographs by Hiroshi SUGIMOTO & Richard MISRACH. It was written for the Visual Concerns in Photography class under the direction of Doug Dertinger & Nigel Poor.
48,00 € * Weight 0.2 kg