Snapshots are often the only pictorial evidence of everyday life in earlier generations. Out-of-print book 'Knipser' (private photos in Germany & Austria. 1880-1980) by Timm Starl deals with this world of images and their cultural-historical significance.
48,00 € * Weight 1.3 kg
This book, 'Fotogeschichten Sülz und Klettenberg. 1855-1985', shows the neighborhoods from the end of 19th century to 1980 and the people who lived and worked here. Images, texts & commentaries make this contribution to Cologne's urban history so valuable
35,00 € *
This chronologically arranged monograph on the work of Eugène ATGET shows a photograph and includes the commentary of the editor, John Szarkowski. However, it is less about an exact analysis than about capturing the context and describing the attributes.
0,00 € *
US photographer Edward WESTON kept a diary in which he recorded his struggle to understand himself, society and his art. 'The Daybooks of Edward Weston' were edited by Nancy Newhall in two volumes: one for his time in Mexico and one for Californian time.
98,00 € Weight 1.6 kg
This anthology contains 160 pictures by ninety female photographers to answer the question of whether there is a 'female gaze' in photography. The focus is on the four major subject areas of social reality, family, female body and virtual reality.
39,80 € * Weight 1.4 kg
The narrow catalog for the exhibition 'foto-auge' in the Hamburg Deichtorhallen (2002-2003), which has been out of print for a long time, contains a five-page introduction to art history and personal biographical data as well as 28 b / w illustrations.
24,00 € *
This out-of-print photo volume 'Menschen ohne Maske. Photographien 1906 - 1952' by German photographer August SANDER in paperback format is a re-issue of a 1971 publication, released at Swiss Bucher Verlag.
0,00 € * Weight 1 kg
English or German. Based on Helmar LERSKI's series 'Metamorphosis', this compendium, 'Faces. The power of the face', brings togehter portraits from the time of the Weimar Republic. Experiments, feminist role-playing games and political ideologies collide.
45,00 €
'Cologne and its photo books. Cologne in the photo book from 1853 to 2010 'by Werner Schäfke shows the city as a large puzzle. Whether published in-house, on behalf of the city or industry, they document the diversity of this old & young Rhine metropolis.
38,00 € * Weight 2 kg
Bilingual catalog volume. This slim photo publication about Eugéne ATGET is catalog number 4 of the Cologne-based gallery Rudolf Kicken, which was published on the occasion of the sales exhibition.
29,80 € *