About Japanese photographer, Yasuhiro YOSHIOKA (1934-2002)

Yasuhiro YOSHIOKA was a Japanese photographer who also worked for the cinema. He became known for his work on 'The Woman in the Dunes', (1964), 'Kwaidan' (1964), 'The Face of Another' (1966), 'Night of the Murderer' (1967), 'Hanging Death' (1968), 'Three Resurrected Drunkards' (1968), 'Diary of a Shinjuku Thief' (1969), 'Boy' (1969), 'The Journey of the Blind Musicians' (1972) sowie 'Song of the Devil' (1972).

Photo books by as well as with works by Yasuhiro YOSHIOKA

  • 'Yasuhiro Yoshioka' (1963); 'Nu-do. Sodomu no Rakuen / Garden of Sodom ' (1971); 'Kinouchi Katsu' (1974); 'Katsutoshi Sadamoto ' (1979); 'Avant-garde 60's / Avangyarudo Shikkusutzu' (1999); 'Japanese photo books of the 1960s and 70s' (2009, by  Ryuichi Kaneko and Ivan Vartanian);

The out-of-print photo book compendium 'Japanese Photobooks of the 1960s and '70s' by Kaneko & Vartanian presents relevant publications of that era. Some of the most influential works and forgotten gems are presented and placed in a sociological context.
498,00 € * Weight 1.7 kg