About US-American photo artist, Taryn SIMON (B. 1975, in New York)

Taryn SIMON is a graduate of Brown University and a Guggenheim Fellow. Her work 'An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar' revealing that which is integral to America’s foundation, mythology and daily functioning, but remains inaccessible or unknown to a public audience. An earlier work, 'The Innocents' is documenting cases of wrongful conviction in the United States and investigates photography’s role in that process.

Photo books by Taryn SIMON

  • 'The Picture Collection' (1998); 'The Innocents' (2003, 2008, 2021); 'An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar' (2007, 2012); 'Contraband' (2010); 'A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters, I-XVIII' (2012); 'Birds of the West Indies' (2013); 'Rear Views, a Star-Forming Nebula, and the Department of Foreign Propaganda: The Works of Taryn Simon' (2015); 'Birds of the West Indies' + 'Field Guide to Birds of the West Indies' (2016); 'Paperwork and the Will of Capital' (2016); 'An Occupation of Loss' (2017); 'The Color of a Flea's Eye: The Picture Collection' (2020)