The focus of the catalog illuminating the early phase of the BECHER school is on the mutual influences between the image concepts emerging in Düsseldorf and the innovations of the 'New-Color Photography' and the 'New Topographics' movement in the U.S..
178,00 € * Weight 1.8 kg
Photo-text volume 'The Düsseldorf School of Photography' traces its ascendancy from the mid-1970s. Filled with superb reproductions of the artists' best-known pictures, this compendium offers the first encyclopaedic overview of this important movement.
0,00 € Weight 2.4 kg
In his out-of-print photo book 'Schultenhöfe', Martin ROSSWOG shows what has been preserved of the old structures and furnishings, what changes the building type has undergone over time and how today's residents have settled into this 'cultural heritage'.
34,00 € * Weight 0.9 kg
Gebunden, mit Schutzumschlag, 24 x 29,5 cm., 239 pp., color ills., bilingual: German / English
39,80 € *